Our products
You can seamlessly integrate them into your slaughterhouse.
Modern slaughterhouses and boning plants know that delivery of the animals for slaughter already forms part of a contemporary slaughter process. Species-appropriate lairages integrated into your establishment will comply with all criteria regarding animal welfare and ensures stress-free delivery of the livestock to the slaughtering process. This process, in turn, positively affects the meat quality. More and more consumers pay attention to this.
For all species of animals for slaughter, entirely according to your needs.
Be it cows, pigs, or lambs: every kind of livestock to be slaughtered needs a different form of unloading ramp, races, and lairage. The size of the slaughterhouse is naturally taken into account when designing this receiving area. RENNER Schlachthaustechnik offers you the ideal solutions for your operations. Including components that can be flexibly combined.