IFFA Logo3. – 8.5.2025
Frankfurt am Main

We participate!

Exhibition hall 9.0 Stand C 06


Sheep Slaughtering

Sheep slaughter line for up to 150 animals per hour

Build to fulfil every requirement,
as if made for optimal processes.

The bar has never been raised as high as it is nowadays when it comes to sheep and lamb slaughtering. Companies in the slaughtering or boning business face different challenges: a high seasonal demand coinciding with the increasing requirements  for hygiene and animal welfare. The newest technological standards combined with flexible systems nevertheless guarantee efficient processes.

RENNER Schlachthaustechnik develops unique solutions individually tailored to your sheep and lamb slaughtering needs – from the individual components to complete systems. The systems are designed for capacities of up to 150 sheep per hour.

Total capacity along the entire slaughter process line

Whether it concerns a very specific machine for modernising your sheep slaughtering facility or the implementation of an entire plant for sheep slaughtering: RENNER Schlachthaustechnik develops, manufactures and installs entirely according to your needs. We also gladly plan complete slaughter process lines in consultation with you.


The stress levels of the sheep need to be kept as low as possible, starting at the moment of delivery. At the end of the line, this guarantees high-quality meat for the consumer. Our assortment therefore only consists of animal welfare-complying lairages and races.


We employ the newest standards for our stunning facilities, ensuring failure-free stunning. Electrical stunning machines are required during sheep and lamb slaughtering. Our portfolio includes ritual slaughtering traps and as such also covers markets where predominantly halal slaughters are carried out.


Our re-hanging offers ensure that convenient and efficient re-hanging is possible.


Depending on what system you prefer, you can choose vertical or horizontal bleeding. Our machines map the entire process: from bleeding channels to bleeding conveyors all the way up to blood pumps and blood collecting systems.


We also offer different skinning process solutions – be it pneumatic skinning knives or complete skinning machines

Organ removal and splitting

Process safety and hygiene are top priority during further carcass dressing. We offer you the complete system for this purpose: Paw pincers and brisket pincers, slaughter conveyors, hygienic dressing platforms and pneumatic work platforms.


Whether it is for butchery requirements or industrial facilities: We are also the right people to contact regarding further processing, covering organ conveyors as well as stomach cleaning machines and gut cleaning machines.


  • animal welfare-compliant lairages
  • races
  • electrical stunning (Also observe the operating instructions of the manufacturer of your stunning transformer.)
  • ritual slaughtering traps
  • horizontal bleeding
  • vertical bleeding
  • bleeding channels
  • blood collecting systems
  • blood pumps
  • bleeding conveyors
  • re-hanging devices
  • skinning machines
  • hygienic dressing platforms
  • slaughter conveyors
  • organ conveyors
  • pneumatic work platforms
  • gut cleaning machines
  • stomach cleaning machines
  • brisket pincers
  • paw pincers
  • pneumatic skinning knife